Update from Meadow Field Luxury Glamping and the Farm

It has been a little while since I last posted as things have been pretty busy at Meadow Field Luxury Glamping but on the flip side, very quiet on the Farm.

Ploughing in a field on a sunny day

Opportunity to do some field work

What’s Been Happening on the Farm

It’s amazing how field conditions can change in such a relatively short space of time. 

We planted oilseed rape into bone dry soil at the end of September last year and by the second week of October, when we aimed to plant our wheat, it was so wet we couldn’t even think about going into a field! 

Despite the wet conditions, potato harvest had to start regardless. 



muddy fields where tractors have been working.

Heavy tractor traffic on sodden fields

We battled through and took every chance we could to dig them but in the end we had to leave four acres in the ground as we simply couldn’t travel on the field. 

We also grow sugar beet and again harvesting this has been extremely difficult.

Usually we aim to be finished by mid January but we still have eight acres left to do.

We will dig the sugar beet when it dries up again (soon hopefully!) but it is looking like the potatoes will be a loss.

So far we have only planted 10% of our wheat crop (by now it should all be in the ground) and unfortunately 50% of the oilseed rape planted in September looks like it will be written off due to insect damage, pigeon grazing and being waterlogged. 


We do still have a small window of opportunity, but if we can’t work the fields within the next four weeks, this year’s harvest will be a very small one.

That just leaves potatoes and sugar beet which we have until mid May to get planted. Fingers crossed the weather improves.

Busy at Meadow Filed Luxury Glamping

A rare settled evening at Meadow Field

What’s Been Happening at Meadow Field

However, this unusually wet weather has meant that Farmer David has had more time to help out with the internal progress of the safari tents!

In that department it really has been non stop. 

February simply flew by and practically every day was spent in the safari tents with, what felt like, the perpetual winds and rain lashing down outside.



Busy at Meadow Field Luxury Glamping. Cosy, warm lighting inside a safari tent.

Gorgeous kitchen lighting in cosy Tent 1


It was a great excuse to light the stoves though and settle in with paint brush in hand whilst we stained wood, papered walls and lay flooring.

The last thing to be installed was the roof lining which really finished it all off inside and although I am now desperate to flex my “interior design” muscles, we have put that on hold for the time being and moved the decorating table over to “Tent 2” to do it all again!



We have learnt loads with the work done in Tent 1, with only one relatively major change. Due to a miscalculation, (we forgot we were in a tent with low eaves!) we have had to change our victorian slipper bath with overhead shower arrangement (simply not enough height to work with) – to an all singing, all dancing shower pod. Literally, you could have a disco in it if you wanted! With funky down-lights and an integrated sound system that bluetooths to your smartphone! A little different to our original plan, but what fun! Can’t wait to test it out.


The month of March really is marching on……

……..and with Easter breathing down our necks we are beginning to feel the pressure.

Blue sky and fresh buds on trees

Spring is in the air



What would really help is if the weather improved. 

If the wind stopped blowing and if the rain finally stopped falling…….

…….and, as I sit here typing this, listening to the birds outside and noticing the haze of green that appears to be showing on the trees, I do believe that things are picking up.




Keep well everyone and think ahead to warmer brighter days that really are just around the corner. xxJulesxx


“Whether the weather be fine, or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be hot,
We’ll weather the weather, whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.”  Anonymous

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