“Reconnect with Family and Friends”?

Quite often when you read glamping articles or visit glamping websites the words “reconnect with family and friends” will appear.

Family Holidays?

Absolutely! Without a doubt a family (or friends) holiday is a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones where the daily routine and treadmill of life normally limits time and energy.

Booking a holiday and enjoying a change of scenery is one of the most important things we can all do for our physical and mental health and what better way than to spend this well earned break with those who are important to us.

Easier said than done?

Spending time with our loved ones may not be as easy as we would like it to be, especially if you have children or young adults in your group whose best friend is a smartphone or games console. Not denying that us adults should also hold our hands up and take ownership of the fact that these pocket sized devices are somewhat of a distraction for us too.

Our son, Alex, is 12 going on 13. His gaming device can, on the odd occasion if we are honest, create a little bit of an obstacle that we have to navigate in order to enjoy some “quality time” with him. I am sure he would say the same about us, his parents, who can often be found with their heads buried in a laptop or tablet (one such occasion being right now as I write this blog!).

As one of the many benefits of living on a farm is having very easy access to many gorgeous walks right from our back door we often suggest a walk as an opportunity to spend some uninterrupted, no distractions, family time.

More often than not, though, this is greeted with the question “How far?” Translated this means how long are we going to drag him away (very reluctantly) from the computer game he is immersed in at the time.

In our experience, though, if you push through the inevitable sulks, complaints, dragging feet and constant attempt to negotiate terms (“ ….if I do this do I get more time on my x-box?”) I can happily  say there is a ray of sunshine.

Eventually conversations start, little snippets of their lives are gleaned and although rather painful to begin with it is definitely worth persevering.

And so, slowly but surely connections are made and beautiful new memories and experiences are created.

The digital age we live in can isolate us all. The art of conversation can be lost. The ability to be creative and the willingness to let go of those dependable gadgets (even if it is just for a point of reference) becomes harder.

So what is the answer?

The expression “A little of what you fancy (or “need” to paraphrase) does you good” springs to mind.

Here’s a suggestion……

Rather than booking large chunks of time, once or twice a year, it may feel more beneficial to book several smaller breaks through-out the year that doesn’t require a huge amount of planning, travelling or precious holiday days from work.

Here are some reasons to consider a glamping holiday to help you “reconnect with family and friends” this year;

  • It gives you something to look forward to.
  • It gets you away from the daily treadmill and a change of scenery more often.
  • It is a great opportunity to experience the changing seasons that we are blessed with in this country.
  • It gives you the gift of time so that perhaps a meal can be cooked and enjoyed at leisure, together.
  • Board or card games can be played.
  • Books can be read.
  • Younger children (and indeed adults too!) can enjoy a bath rather than the usual quick shower before falling in to bed at the end of a busy day at work or school.
  • Pleasure can be taken from those things in life that come for free;

-The sound of rain on canvas from a cosy seat by a log burner.


-Birdsong, perhaps even the dawn chorus.

-Spotting a wild fox, badger, deer perhaps?

-Watching the sun set and the moon rise or even the moon setting and the sun rising.

All this (and more – because the list is endless) with those who are the most important to you sharing these moments by your side.

Why not find out what other small wonders you can discover and long lasting memories you can create for yourselves.

No hassle. All you have to do is book it, pack your bags and arrive and then let nature take its course……. xxJulesxx

meadowfieldglamping - reconnect with family and friends


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